Artificial Intelligence (eBook)
Artificial Intelligence (eBook)
The philosophy of humanism is explored through the lens of modernism, relativism, and post-relativism. Philosophy has evolved and has affected our social constructs. By realizing that post-relativism represents a global consciousness we can deduce that larger patterns of social behavior are emerging, whereby the position that one holds may not be fully valid. This post-relativism explains ecological imbalance due to self-determination and the systemic risks that buildup throughout society, even if those social contracts seemed at the face-of-it beneficial. For example, social programs to help redistribute wealth might actually erode the productivity of the society and its longer sustainability. Transhumanism and post-humanism is explored by reviewing research from Chu and others. Transhumanism is the technological extension of the human body. Post-humanism is when the human form is no longer recognized via the trans-human evolutionary progression; with the possibility of no form at all—pure energy.